

Every year as Christmas gets closer I start to panic about all the little things on my 'to do' list that I need to get done. I like finishing the year with a clear head (and a completed list) so that I can truly enjoy my Summer holiday without focusing on all those little jobs I didn't get around to doing. One of those jobs is updating my blog layout, something I have been meaning to do for a while but have put on the back burner due to the hundreds of other things that seem to creep up on the list. You will notice a few changes over the next week or so as I make some adjustments but hopefully I will have all the broken links and updates sorted asap. 

I also just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all the people who take the time to read my posts, recently they have been few and far between but I appreciate you sticking around. I am always up-to-date on Instagram, so if I haven't posted here in a while you can find the happenings of our daily life there. 


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